Herbaceous and Border Perennials
Acanthus mollis "Bear's Breeches"
"Bear's Breeches"
Hardy clump-forming perennial with large prickly, green, shiny leaves, and in late summer, spike of purple bracted, white flowers. Ht to 150cm. Spr 60-90cm. Grow in any soil in sun or partial shade.
Aconitum (RANUNCULACEAE) "Monkshood"
POISONOUS Hardy, tuberous-rooted, herbaceous perennials prefering moist soils in partial shade, but will tolerate soils in full sun. Tall stems carry "hooded" flowers from mid to late summer.
carmichaelii "Wilsonii" Ht 150cm. Spr 60cm. Dark green leaves. Violet-blue flowers, Aug to Oct.
"Newry Blue" Ht to 100cm. Spr 50cm. Mid-green leaves. Blue flowers, June to September.
Adenophora (Campanulaceae) "Ladybells".
perskiifolia Haedy, "Campanula"-like, herbaceous perennials, prefering moist, but well-drained soil in sun or partial shade. Stems carry, pendant, funnel-shaped flowers from June to August.
bulleyana Ht to 110cm. Spr 50cm. Pale-blue bells.
campanulata Ht 50cm. Spr 30cm. Mid-blue bells
himalayana Ht 50-60cm. Spr 30-40cm. Mid-blue bells.
perskiifolia Ht 110cm. Spr 50cm. Dark-blue bells.
Agastache (Lamiaceae)
mexicana "Carille Carmine" Hardy, herbaceous perennials with strongly aromatic foliage and flowers. They are bushy plants, easily grown in well-drained soil in full sun. Spikes of long-lasting, tubular flowers are produced for many weeks in summer. Good for attracting bees and butterflies.
astromontana Ht 40cm. Spr 30cm. Compact habit. Carmine-pink flowers
mexicana "Carille Carmine" Ht 60cm. Spr 40cm. Long tubular, carmine-pink flowers.
mexicana "Champagne" As above but with pale,apricot-pink flowers
Allium (ALLIACEAE) "Onion"
Allium Hardy, bulbous perennials with aromatic foliage. Prefer fertile, well-drained soil in full sun.
canadense Ht 30cm. White or pale-pink flowers in flat heads, summer. 9cm pots, £1.40 each.
cernuum Ht 45cm. Pendant umbels of bright pink fls. July and August. 9cm pots £1.40 each.
karataviense Ht 10-25cm. Purple and green, striped fol. In Spring. Large pinkish white flowers.
libani Ht 30cm. Lilac flowers, June to August. 9cm pots, £1.40 each
Anaphalis (ASTERACEAE) "Pearl Everlasting"
Hardy, herbaceous, mound-forming perennials for well-drained soil in full sun, but will tolerate partial shade. Suitable for hot/dry conditions. Woolly, silver/grey foliage. Corymbs of papery-white, "everlasting" flowers are produced from July to October. Good cut flowers.
margaritacea "Neuschnee" Ht 40cm. Spr 50cm. Narrow leaves and compact habit
triplinervis "Sommerschnee" Ht 50cm. Spr 60cm. Broader leaves than the previous species.
Aquilegia (Ranunculaceae)"Columbine".
buergeriana Hardy, clump-forming, herbaceous perennials which prefer moist, but well-drained soil in sun or partial shade. Flowering-time, spring to midsummer.
atrata Ht 50cm. Spr 30cm. Blue-green foliage. Deep-violet. NEW!
"Bierdermeier" Ht 35cm. Spr 25cm. Compact habit. Wide range of flower colours
buergeriana Ht 45cm. Spr 30cm. Biscuit-yellow and maroon flowers
Hardy herbaceous perennials for moist but well-drained soil in full sun. Yellow "daisy" like flowers are produced in abundance during summer.
Chamissonis Rhizomatous, groundcover. Can be invasive. Ht 39-45cm. Spr 60cm or more.
montana Clump-forming. Ht 30-40cm. Spr 30cm. 9cm pots, £1.40 each.
Azorina vidalii
Evergreen, shrubby perennial, hardy down to -3c. Well-drained soil in full sun. Ht 40-60cm. Spr 60cm. Waxy, pendant, bell-shaped pinky-white flowers are produced in late summer. A curious and beautiful plant for a conservatory.
Belamcanda chinensis
Hardy, border perennial producing fans of sword-shaped leaves and in summer, a succession of maroon-spotted, orange flowers. The flowers are followed by pods of glossy black seeds. Ht 60cm. Spr 30cm. Well-drained in full sun.
Cephalaria (DIPSACEAE)
Hardy, clump-forming, herbaceous, "Scabious"-like perennials for moist, but well-drained soil in sun or partial shade. Good cut-flower and for attracting bees and butterflies.
alpina Ht to 200cm. Spr 60cm. Large, pale-yellow flowers on well-branched stems.
Convallaria majalis - "Lily of the Valley".
Hardy, rhizomatous perennial for moist soil in full or partial shade. Green, ovate, lance-shaped leaves. Ht 25cm. Spr 30cm. Arching racemes of pendant, bell-shaped, strongly-scented, waxy, white flowers, May to July.
Hardy, herbaceous perennials grown for their tall spikes of flowers produced from early to late summer. Grow in fertile, well-drained soil in full sun.
X bellamosum Ht to 120cm. Spr 45cm. Dark-green leaves. Gentian-blue flowers. NEW!
"Casa Blanca" Ht to 120cm. Spr 45cm. Mid-green leaves. White flowers. NEW!
"Clivedon Beauty" Ht to 120cm. Spr 45cm. Mid-green leaves. Sky-blue flowers. NEW!
"Guinevere" Ht to 180cm. Pacific Hybrid. Dense spikes of white-eyed, pink flowers. NEW!
Hardy perennials with an exceptionally long flowering period from late spring onwards. Grow in well-drained soil in full sun. If plants become straggly, cut back to encourage continuous flowering and neat habit.
felthamii Ht 40cm. Spr 45cm. Very hardy. Bushy habit. Deep-pink flowers.
rigescens Ht 30cm. Spr 60cm Trailing habit. Hardy to -8c. Terminal clusters of pink flowers.
Hardy border perennials for moist but well-drained soil in partial to full shade. Panicles of flowers form spring to midsummer.
grandiflorum "Lilafee" Ht 25cm. Spr 30cm. Purple-tinted, spring foliage. Purple flowers. NEW!
"Orange Konigin" Ht 50cm. Spr 75cm. Dense clumps. Pale-orange flowers. NEW!
Foeniculum vulgare "Purpureum"
Hardy, deep-rooting perennial with aniseed scented, feathery, purple-bronze foliage. Ht to 180cm. Spr 60cm. Umbels of yellow flowers in summer.
Geranium (Geraniaceae) "Crane's Bill"
flower10.jpg (20093 bytes) Easy to grow border perennials for most soils (avoid waterlogged) in both sun or shade. Long flowering period from late spring to autumn
x cantabriense Ht 30cm. Spr 60cm. Aromatic, dark-green leaves. Evergreen. Pink fls.
x cant. "Biokovo" As above but with white flowers
endressii "Rose" Ht 45cm. Spr 60cm. Evergreen. Clump-forming. Rose-pink flowers.
pratense albiflorum As above but with pre-white flowers
Gaura lindheimeri "The Bride"
Hardy, bushy, clump-forming perennial for well-drained soil in full sun. Drought and partial shade are tolerated. Ht 85cm. Spr 60cm. Pink flushed, white fls. Summer.
Helleborus argutifolius
Robust, hardy, clump-forming, evergreen perennial with large, leathery, dark-green leaves. Ht to 120cm. Spr to 90cm. Yellowish-green flowers, March to May. Good for cutting. Plant in heavy or ordinary soil in dappled shade. NEW!
Houttuynia cordata "Chameleon"
Hardy perennial with widely spreading rhizomes grown for its brightly coloured, aromatic foliage. The leaves are red, green and cream in colour. Good groundcover for moist soil in sun or partial shade. Ht20cm. Spr 90cm++. White flowers, summer.
Linaria (SCROPHULARIACEAE) "Toadflax"
"Toadflax" Hardy, herbaceous perennials for light, well-drained soil in full sun. Two-lipped, spurred flowers are borne in terminal racemes throughout summer.
purpurea Ht to 90cm. Spr 30cm. Grey-green foliage. Purple flower spikes. NEW!
purpurea "Canon J. Went" As above but with pink flowers NEW!
purpurea "Springside White" As above but with white flowers NEW!
triornithophora Ht 90cm. Spr 60cm. Glossy-green foliage. Large, purple-pink fls
Macleaya cordata "Plume Poppy"
Hardy, herbaceous, rhizomatous perennial with large, grey to olive-green foliage. Ht to 250cm. Spr to 100cm. From mid to late summer, large plume-like panicles of buff-white flowers. Well-drained soil in full sun.
Meum athamanicum
Ht 20-40cm. Spr 30cm. Hardy, herbaceous, clump-forming perennial with green, feathery, strongly aromatic foliage. Umbels of white flowers from mid to late summer. Grow in well-drained soil in sun or partial shade. 9cm pots. £1.40 each.
Myrrhis odorata "Sweet Cicely"
Hardy, aromatic, herbaceous perennial for moist soil in dappled shade. Ht to 200cm. Spr to 150cm. Bright-green foliage. Umbels of white flowers in summer.
Onopordon bracteatum
Hardy, rosette-forming, self seeding biennial with large, spiky, white woolly leaves. Ht to 200cm. Spr to 100cm. Tall architectural stems carry umbels of large, purple "Thistle" flowers in summer. Well-drained soil in full sun.
Penstemon (species) (Scrophulariaceae)
digitalis"Husker's Red" Hardy, evergreen, border perennials for poor to moderately fertile, well-drained soil in sun or partial shade. Panicles of tubular flowers are produced from June to August.
angustifolius Ht 45cm. Spr 45cm. Shrubby habbit.Blue and violet fls
digitalis Ht 90cm. Spr 45cm. Violet-flushed, white flowers.
digitalis"Husker's Red" As above but with rich, purple-red foliage
Platycodon (CAMAPANULACEAE) "Balloon Flower"
Hardy, clump-forming, herbaceous perennials for deep, light, fertile, moist but well-drained soil in sun or partial shade. Large, balloon-like buds open to large, bell-shaped flowers in summer.
grandiflorus Ht 60cm. Spr 30cm. Large, blue flowers.
grand "Albus" As above but with white flowers
grand. "Fuji Pink" As above but with pink flowers NEW!
grand "Mariesii" Ht50cm. Spr 30cm. Violet-blue flowers.
Prunella "White Loveliness"
Ht 15cm. Spr 60cm. Hardy, evergreen, carpetting perennial. Dark-green foliage. Whorls of white flowers in summer. Any soil in sun or partial shade.
Rumex sanguineus sanguineus "Red Veined Dock"
Hardy, tap-rooted, rosette-forming perennial most soils in sun or partial shade. The large, green leaves are conspicuously veined blood-red. It is advisable to remove flowerheads to prevent self-seeding. Ht and spr 30cm..
Saxifraga x urbium
A vigorous, spreading species with large rosettes of leathery mid-green leaves. Ht 30cm. Spr 60-90cm. Panicles of star-shaped, pink flowers, summer. Full or partial shade.
Tellima grandiflora
Hardy, clump-forming perennial for moist soil in partial shade, but will tolerate dry soil in sun. Ht to 80cm. Spr 30cm. Racemes of greenish-white flowers, May to July.
Valeriana officinalis
Hardy, herbaceous, upright, clump-forming, rhizomatous perennial for any moist soil in sun or dappled shade. Large, aromatic, dark-green, deeply toothed leaves. Broad heads of fragrant, white flowers are borne on erect stems in summer. Attracts bees and butterflies.
The species listed here are all hardy, border perennials for well-drained soil (except V.corymbosa, moist to boggy soil) in full sun. Long flowering period from early summer onwards. Good for attracting butterflies.
bonariensis Ht 200cm. Spr 60cm. Clump-forming. Lilac-purple flowers. NEW!
corymbosa Ht and spr 60cm. Dark-green foliage. Boggy soil. Red-purple flowers.
hastata Ht to 150cm. Spr 60cm. Clump forming. Spikes of violet-blue flowers.
hastata "Alba" As above but with white flowers
tenuisecta Ht 50cm. Spr 25cm. Deeply toothed, dark-green leaves. Purple-pink flowers.

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