Alpine and Rockery Perennials
Acaena (ROSACEAE) "New Zealand Burr".
microphylla Evergreen, hardy, perrennial, groundcovers with Burr-like flowers in late summer. Easily grown in sun or partial shade. Tolerate hot/dry conditions. Particularly useful as ground cover for poor soils.
Anserinifolia Bronze-green foliage. Cream flowers
"Blue Haze" Grey foliage. Deciduous. Red burrs. 1 litre pots. £2.99 each
buchananii Silver foliage. Less vigorous. Cream flowers.
caesiiglauca Glaucous-blue foliage. Red burrs.
inermis Bronze foliage. Cream flowers.
"Kupferteppich" Rich, copper-brown foliage. Creamy-white flowers. NEW!
microphylla Bronze-green, hairy foliage. Crimson burrs
myriophylla Rich green, hairy foliage. Elongated, buff-coloured burrs.
novae-zealandiae Green foliage. Vigorous. Greenish-yellow flowers. Buff coloured burrs.
pinitifida Dark-green foliage. Greenish-white flowers. Buff-coloured burrs
Achillea (ASTERACEAE) "Yarrow"
Evergreen hardy perennials with aromatic foliage. Prefer well-drained soils in full sun. Flowering time, June to August.
ageratifolia aizoon Ht 10cm. Spr 25cm. Silver foliage. White flowers. Will trail over walls
erba-rotta Ht 10cm. Spr 25cm. Green foliage. White flowers.
tomentosa "Aurea" Ht 20cm. Spr 30cm. Grey, filigree foliage. Bright-yellow flower heads.
Aethionema coridifolium
Ht 15cm. Spr 20cm. Hardy perennial. Glaucous foliage topped with clusters of small pink flowers, May to July. Well-drained soil, sunny position.
Ajuga (LAMIACEAE) "Bugle"
reptans "Atropurpurea"

reptans "Multicolour"
Evergreen, hardy, perennial groundcoverers. Easy to grow in moist and partial shade. Will tolerate poor soils even in full shade. Spokes of two-lipped, tubular flowers appear from May to July.
reptans "Atropurpurea" Ht 15cm. Spr 60cm. Blue flowers. Glossy purple foliage
reprans "Burgundy Glow" Ht 15cm. Spr 60cm. Blue flowers. Silvery leaves suffused with wine-red.
reptans "Multicolour" Ht 15cm. Spr 60cm. Blue flowers. Bronze, cream and pnk foliage.
reptans "Pink Elf" Ht 15cm. Spr 60cm. Pink flowers. Metllic-green foliage.
reptans "Purple Torch" Ht 15cm. Spr 60cm. Purple flowers. Metallic-green foliage.
Alchemilla (ROSACEAE) "Lady's Mantle"
Hardy perennials for sunny or partially shaded positions. Particularly useful for dry shade. Sprays of yellow-green flowers appear from June to Sptember.
alpina Ht 15cm. Spr 45cm. Silver backed, glossy green foliage.
erythropoda Ht 20cm. Spr 20cm. Glaucous-green foliage.
faeroensis Ht 40cm. Spr 30cm. Blue-green foliage
mollis See herbs
monticola Ht 20cm. Spr 45cm. Glaucous-green foliage.
plicatula Ht 15cm. Spr 45cm. Hairy, grey-green foliage.
saxatilis Ht15cm. Spr 5cm. Glossy-green foliage.
xanthochlora Ht 45cm. Spr60cm. Yellowish-green foliage.
Barbarea rupicola
Ht 15-20cm. Hardy perennial with dark-green, waxy leaves. Bright yellow flowers, June to August. Well-drained soil, sun or partial shade.
Bellium crassifolium canescens
Ht15cm. Spr 20cm. Perennial species with purple foliage and purple tinged, white "daisy" flowers all summer. Dislikes winter wet. Grow in well-drained soil in a sunny, sheltered position. Suitable for alpine house cultivation.
Betula nana "Artic Birch"
"Artic Birch"
A hardy dwarf species reaching only 60cm in height over several years. Yellow autumn colour. Yellow-brown catkins in spring . Moist soil in sun or partial shade.
Bulbinella hookeri
Hardy perennial for sun or partial shade. Ht to 30cm. Spr 15cm,. Yellow, star-shaped flowers, June to August. Bronze coloured foliage.
Calamintha (LAMIACEAE) "Calamint"
Hardy, aromatic perennials for well-drained soil in sun or partial shade. Two-lipped, lilac flowers, June to September
cretica Ht 5-10cm. Spr 15-20cm. Grey, woolly foliage. Prostrate habit
nepata Ht 25cm. Waxy, dark-green foliage. Upright habit. Strong mint flavour
Calceolaria falklandica
Hardy perennial for cool/moist conditions in partial shade. Ht 10-15cm. Spr 20cm. Racemes of red spotted, yellow, pouched flowers, May to July.
Campanula (CAMPANULACEAE) "Bell Flower"











Hardy perenials for well-drained soil in sun or partial shade. Flower for many weeks in summer.
barbata Short-lived perrenial. Ht 20-30cm. Spr 20cm. Hairy, pale-blue bells.
carpatica "Blue Clips" Ht 10-20cm. Spr 20-30cm. Large, upward facing, blue flowers.
carpatica "White Clips" As above but with pure-white flowers.
cochlearifolia Ht 10cm. Spr 30cm. Profusion of mid-blue bells
coch. "Elizabeth Oliver" As above but less vigorous. Fully double, powder-blue bells.
collina Ht 35cm. Spr45cm. Deep-blue flowers.
garganica Ht 15cm. Spr30cm. Star-shaped blue flowers. Some trailing habit.
garg. "Dickson's Gold" As above but with yellow foliage.
glomerata acaulis Ht 30cm. Spr 30-50cm. Clusters of violet-blue, tubular flowers
incurva Short-lived perennial. Ht 20-30cm. Spr 40cm. Large, steel-blue bells
incurva alba As above but with white bells. NEW!
kemulariae Ht 15cm. Spr 30-40cm. Dark-blue bells. Trailing habit. Vigorous.
poscharskyana Ht 25cm. Spr 35cm. Blue, star-shaped flowers. Vigorous. Trailing.
poscharskyana "E H Frost" As above but with pure white flowers.
poscharskyana "Lisduggan" As above but with pink flowers.
rotundifolia "Olympic" "Harebell. Ht 20cm. Spr 20cm. Pale to mid-blue bells.
"Yvonne" Ht 15cm. Spr 25cm. Pale green foliage. Pale blue bells
Carlina acaulis simplex "Stemless Thistle"
Hardy perennial for well-drained soil and full sun. Tolerates poor soil. Suitable for hot/dry conditions. Rosette forming. Large silver-white flowers, up to 10cm diameter, from July to September. Good for attracting bees and butterflies.
Cerastium (CARYOPHYLLACEAE) "Snow in Summer"
"Snow in Summer" Hardy, carpet-forming perennial for any well-drained soil in full sun. Useful for hot/dry conditions. Tolerate poor soils. White flowers, late spring and summer.
alpinum lanatum Hairy, silver fol. Carpet-forming. Some trailing habit. Ht 5cm. Spr30cm. NEW!
tomentosum Ht 8cm. Spr 60cm. Good trailing habit. Silver/white foliage.
Delosperma (AIZOACEAE)
Succulent mat forming perennials for well-drained soil in full sun. Particularly suitable for hot/dry conditions. Flowers, freely produced for many weeks in summer
ashtonii Ht 5cm. Spr 25cm. Fully hardy. Magenta-pink flowers.
cooperi Ht 8cm. Spr45cm. Half-hardy. Large, bright magenta flowers
nubigenum Ht 3cm. Spr 30cm. Fully hardy. Yellow flowers. Reddish autumn foliage colour.
Dendranthema weyrichii
Hardy, mat-forming, herbaceous perennial. Fleshy dark-green leaves. 5cm diameter, pink "Daisies", August to October. Prefers a sunny position. NEW!
Dodecatheon meadia
Hardy, herbaceous perennial for moist soil in sun or partial shade. Reddish-purple, "Cyclamon"-like flowers, May to July. Ht 20-40cm. Spr 25cm. Clump-forming habit.
Draba ussuriensis
Hardy, rosette-forming perennial for well-drained soil and a sunny position. Ht 5cm. Spr 15cm. Neat habit, suitable for troughs. Creamy-white flowers, April to June.
Erigeron (ASTERACEAE) "Fleabane"
Easy to grow, hardy perennials useful for their long flowering period, May to September. "Daisy"-like flowers. Prefer well-drained soils in a sunny position.
aurantiacus Ht 20cm. Spr 30cm. Mat-forming. Brilliant-orange flowers. NEW!
compositus "Rocky" Ht 15cm. Spr. 10cm. Cushion-forming. Grey-green fol. White flowers. NEW!
fletti Ht 15cm. Spr 30cm. Large blue flowers. 1 litre pots £2.99 each.
"Four Winds" Ht 25cm. Spr 45cm. Large, lilac flowers. 1 litre pots £2.99 each
glaucus "Albus" Ht 20cm. Spr 45cm. Pure-white flowers. 1 litre pots £2.99 each.
"Perhill" Ht 20cm. Spr 40cm. Neat habit. Pink flowers. 1 litre pots £2.99 each.
Erinus alpinus
Hardy perennial ideal for rockery, walls or paving. Grow in well-drained soil or in sun or partial shade. Ht 8cm. Spr 10cm. Suitable for troughs. Purple flowers, May to August.
Eriogonum flavum
Hardy, evergreen, carpet-forming perennial with dark green, tough foliage. Dense umbels of yellow flowers, june to August. Ht15cm. Spr 40cm. Best grown in poor to moderately fertile, well-drained soil in full sun. NEW!
Geranium (GERANIACEAE) "Crane's Bill"
Easy to grow, hardy perennials, suitable for most soils in either sun or shade. Long flowering period from early summer onwards.
x cantabriense Ht 25cm. Spr 60cm. Evergreen. Pink flowers. 1 litre pots £2.99
x cant. "Biokovo" As above but with white flowers. 1 litre pots. £2.99.
dalmaticum Ht 15cm. Spr 40cm. Evergreen. Rich-pink flowers.
sess.nov.-zeal. "Nigricans" Ht 8cm. Spr 15cm. Rosette-forming. Bronze foliage. White flowers.
Geum triflorum
Hardy perennial with dark-green, hairy foliage. Ht 25cm. Spr 30cm. Reddish-white flowers, June to August. Prefers a sunny position. NEW!
Gunnera prorepens
Hardy, mat-forming, herbaceous perennial with glossy, purple-green leaves. Ht 10cm. Spr 20cm. Spikes of green flowers in summer, followd by dark red fruits. Moist soil. Sun or shade. NEW!
Hedera (ARALIACEAE) "Ivy"
Hardy, evegreen, perennial climbers. The two listed are suitable for sun or shade and are small enough to use in sink and tough gardens.
helix "Donerailensis" Dark-green foliage. Climbing or trailing habit
helix "Conglomerata" Dark-green foliage. More upright in habit
Hydrocotyle moschata
Hardy mat-forming perennial with olive-green, round leaves. Trailing habit. Ht 3cm. Spr 45cm. Insignificant flowers. Plant in moist soil in sun or partial shade.
Inula ensifolia "Gold Star"
Inula ensifolia "Gold Star"
Hardy, herbaceous, clump-forming perennial with yellow, "Daisy" - like flowers, July to October. Ht 30cm. Spr 30cm. Prefers a sunny position.
Leucojum aestivum - "Summer Snowflake"
Hardy, robust, bulbous perennial for moist soil in full sun. In spring, stems carry up to eight bell-shaped, faintly chocolate scented, white flowers. Ht 45-60cm. Spr 8cm NEW!
Lilium formosanum pricei
Ht and spr 10-30cm. Hardy, bulbous perennial with purplish-green, narrow leaves. Large, fragrant, purple-flushed, white trumpets, May to July. Prefers moist soil in sun
Hardy, mat-forming, creeping perennials for moist soil in sun or partial shaded position Three-lobed, tubular flowers, May to July
reptans Ht 5cm. Spr 30cm. Trailing habit. Purple flowers
reptans "Albus" As above but with white flowers.
Myosotis scorpioides "Mermaid"
Hardy, creeping perennial for moist soil or water margin in sun or partial shade. Ht 20-30cm. Spr 30cm. Blue "Forget Me Not" flowers May to August.
Origanum vulgare "Compactum"
Hardy, bushy, woody based perennial with strongly aromatic foliage. Ht 15cm. Spr 30cm. Grow in poor to moderately fertile, well-drained soil in sun or partial shade. Abundant, deep-pink flowers from mid-summer to early autumn. Good bee and butterfly plant.
Papaver(PAPAVERACEAE) "Poppy"
The species listed are hardy perennials for well-drained soil in full sun. Long flowering period from June to September. Dead-heading prolongs flowering. Will often self-seed.
alpinum Ht 15-20cm. Spr 10cm. Grey-green foliage. Wide range of flower colours.
atlanticum Ht 15-30cm. Spr 15cm. Mid-green foliage. Orange flowers. 1 litre pots £2.99.
miyabeanum "Pacino" Ht and spr 10-15cm. Mound forming. Grey-green foliage. Yellow flowers.
sendtneri Very similar to P. alpinum but with white flowers. NEW
Persicaria vaccinifolia
Hardy semi-evergreen, carpeting perennial for moist soils in sun or partial shade. Orange/red autumn foliage colour. Spikes of pink flowers, late summer and autumn. Ht 20cm. Spr 50cm. Useful for its trailing, ground covering habit and its late flowering
Phyla nodiflora
Hardy, creeping/trailing perennial for moist soil in sun or partial shade. Ht 4cm. Spr 20cm. Button-like, pink flowers, June to August.
Ranunculus graminues
Hardy, clump-forming, herbaceous perennial with linear, grey-green foliage. Ht 20-30cm. Spr 15cm. Not invasive. Cup-shaped, lemon yellow flowers, May to July. Prefers a moist soil in full sun.
Rosa polyantha "Angel Rose"
Hardy, dwarf, bushy rose growing to only 30cm. Bronze-green foliage. Pink, white or rose, single or double, scented flowers are produced for many weeks from early summer onwards. Plant in a sunny position. Trim plants in autumn to maintain bushy habit. NEW!
Salix hastata "Wehrhahnii"
Hardy, deciduous, slow growing, dwarf "Willow" for moist soil in a sunny position. Attractive, red bark. Yellow autumn foliage colour. Large, silver catkins in spring. Ht and spr up to 1m.
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Satureja (LAMIACEAE) "Savoury"
Hardy perennial subshrubs with strongly aromatic foliage. Grow in well-drained soil In full sun. Will tolerate, hot/dry cnditions. Whorls of two-lipped, tubular flowers are produced from August to October. Particularly useful for their late flowering.
montana Ht 25cm. Spr 30cm. Dark-green foliage. Lilac flowers
montana illyrica Ht 15cm. Spr 20cm. Dark green, narrow leaves. Bright violet flowers. NEW!
parnassica Ht 15cm. Spr 25cm. Dark-green foliage. White flowers. Compact habit.
Hardy clump-forming perennials for moderately fertile, well-drained soil in full sun. Flowering time, June to August. Good for attracting butterflies.
Semiaquilegia ecalcarata
Hardy herbaceous perennial for moist but well-drained soil in sun or partial shade. Ht 20-30cm Spr 20cm. Nodding, pinky purple flowers, May to July.
Spiraea japonica "Nana"
Hardy, dwarf, deciduous shrub for moist but well-drained soil in full sun. Ht 45cm. Spr 60cm. Clusters of pink flowers, June to August. Orange, autumn colour.
Tonestus lyallii
Ht 25cm Spr 30cm. Hardy, evergreen, shrubby perennial for well-drained soil in full sun. Glossy-green foliage. Yellow, "Daisy"-like flowers for many weeks from midsummer.
Trifolium repans "Quadrifolium"
Hardy perennial, four leaved clover with purple foliage. Vigorous groundcover. Ht 10cm. Spr 60cm. White flowers in summer. Grow in sun or partshade.
Waldsteinia ternata
A vigourous, evergreen, groundcovering perennial with tough, dark-green leaves. Ht 10cm. Spr 60cm. Bright yellow "Potentilla" like flowers are produced in spring and early Summer. Grow in sun or partial shade. 1 litre pots £2.99 each.

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