Acaena (ROSACEAE) "New Zealand Burr". |
Evergreen, hardy, perrennial, groundcovers with Burr-like flowers in late summer. Easily grown in sun or partial shade. Tolerate hot/dry conditions. Particularly useful as ground cover for poor soils.
Anserinifolia |
Bronze-green foliage. Cream flowers |
"Blue Haze" |
Grey foliage. Deciduous. Red burrs. 1 litre pots. £2.99 each |
buchananii |
Silver foliage. Less vigorous. Cream flowers. |
caesiiglauca |
Glaucous-blue foliage. Red burrs. |
inermis |
Bronze foliage. Cream flowers. |
"Kupferteppich" |
Rich, copper-brown foliage. Creamy-white flowers. NEW! |
microphylla |
Bronze-green, hairy foliage. Crimson burrs |
myriophylla |
Rich green, hairy foliage. Elongated, buff-coloured burrs. |
novae-zealandiae |
Green foliage. Vigorous. Greenish-yellow flowers. Buff coloured burrs. |
pinitifida |
Dark-green foliage. Greenish-white flowers. Buff-coloured burrs |
Achillea (ASTERACEAE) "Yarrow" |
Evergreen hardy perennials with aromatic foliage. Prefer well-drained soils in full sun. Flowering time, June to August.
ageratifolia aizoon |
Ht 10cm. Spr 25cm. Silver foliage. White flowers. Will trail over walls |
erba-rotta |
Ht 10cm. Spr 25cm. Green foliage. White flowers. |
tomentosa "Aurea" |
Ht 20cm. Spr 30cm. Grey, filigree foliage. Bright-yellow flower heads. |
Aethionema coridifolium |
Ht 15cm. Spr 20cm. Hardy perennial. Glaucous foliage topped with clusters of small pink flowers, May to July. Well-drained soil, sunny position. |
Ajuga (LAMIACEAE) "Bugle" |

Evergreen, hardy, perennial groundcoverers. Easy to grow in moist and partial shade. Will tolerate poor soils even in full shade. Spokes of two-lipped, tubular flowers appear from May to July.
reptans "Atropurpurea" |
Ht 15cm. Spr 60cm. Blue flowers. Glossy purple foliage |
reprans "Burgundy Glow" |
Ht 15cm. Spr 60cm. Blue flowers. Silvery leaves suffused with wine-red. |
reptans "Multicolour" |
Ht 15cm. Spr 60cm. Blue flowers. Bronze, cream and pnk foliage. |
reptans "Pink Elf" |
Ht 15cm. Spr 60cm. Pink flowers. Metllic-green foliage. |
reptans "Purple Torch" |
Ht 15cm. Spr 60cm. Purple flowers. Metallic-green foliage. |
Alchemilla (ROSACEAE) "Lady's Mantle" |
Hardy perennials for sunny or partially shaded positions. Particularly useful for dry shade. Sprays of yellow-green flowers appear from June to Sptember.
alpina |
Ht 15cm. Spr 45cm. Silver backed, glossy green foliage. |
erythropoda |
Ht 20cm. Spr 20cm. Glaucous-green foliage. |
faeroensis |
Ht 40cm. Spr 30cm. Blue-green foliage |
mollis |
See herbs |
monticola |
Ht 20cm. Spr 45cm. Glaucous-green foliage. |
plicatula |
Ht 15cm. Spr 45cm. Hairy, grey-green foliage. |
saxatilis |
Ht15cm. Spr 5cm. Glossy-green foliage. |
xanthochlora |
Ht 45cm. Spr60cm. Yellowish-green foliage. |
Barbarea rupicola |
Ht 15-20cm. Hardy perennial with dark-green, waxy leaves. Bright yellow flowers, June to August. Well-drained soil, sun or partial shade. |
Bellium crassifolium canescens |
Ht15cm. Spr 20cm. Perennial species with purple foliage and purple tinged, white "daisy" flowers all summer. Dislikes winter wet. Grow in well-drained soil in a sunny, sheltered position. Suitable for alpine house cultivation. |
Betula nana "Artic Birch" |
A hardy dwarf species reaching only 60cm in height over several years. Yellow autumn colour. Yellow-brown catkins in spring . Moist soil in sun or partial shade. |
Bulbinella hookeri |
Hardy perennial for sun or partial shade. Ht to 30cm. Spr 15cm,. Yellow, star-shaped flowers, June to August. Bronze coloured foliage. |
Calamintha (LAMIACEAE) "Calamint" |
Hardy, aromatic perennials for well-drained soil in sun or partial shade. Two-lipped, lilac flowers, June to September
cretica |
Ht 5-10cm. Spr 15-20cm. Grey, woolly foliage. Prostrate habit |
nepata |
Ht 25cm. Waxy, dark-green foliage. Upright habit. Strong mint flavour |
Calceolaria falklandica |
Hardy perennial for cool/moist conditions in partial shade. Ht 10-15cm. Spr 20cm. Racemes of red spotted, yellow, pouched flowers, May to July. |
Campanula (CAMPANULACEAE) "Bell Flower" |

Hardy perenials for well-drained soil in sun or partial shade. Flower for many weeks in summer.
barbata |
Short-lived perrenial. Ht 20-30cm. Spr 20cm. Hairy, pale-blue bells. |
carpatica "Blue Clips" |
Ht 10-20cm. Spr 20-30cm. Large, upward facing, blue flowers. |
carpatica "White Clips" |
As above but with pure-white flowers. |
cochlearifolia |
Ht 10cm. Spr 30cm. Profusion of mid-blue bells |
coch. "Elizabeth Oliver" |
As above but less vigorous. Fully double, powder-blue bells. |
collina |
Ht 35cm. Spr45cm. Deep-blue flowers. |
garganica |
Ht 15cm. Spr30cm. Star-shaped blue flowers. Some trailing habit. |
garg. "Dickson's Gold" |
As above but with yellow foliage. |
glomerata acaulis |
Ht 30cm. Spr 30-50cm. Clusters of violet-blue, tubular flowers |
incurva |
Short-lived perennial. Ht 20-30cm. Spr 40cm. Large, steel-blue bells |
incurva alba |
As above but with white bells. NEW! |
kemulariae |
Ht 15cm. Spr 30-40cm. Dark-blue bells. Trailing habit. Vigorous. |
poscharskyana |
Ht 25cm. Spr 35cm. Blue, star-shaped flowers. Vigorous. Trailing. |
poscharskyana "E H Frost" |
As above but with pure white flowers. |
poscharskyana "Lisduggan" |
As above but with pink flowers. |
rotundifolia "Olympic" |
"Harebell. Ht 20cm. Spr 20cm. Pale to mid-blue bells. |
"Yvonne" |
Ht 15cm. Spr 25cm. Pale green foliage. Pale blue bells |
Carlina acaulis simplex "Stemless Thistle" |
Hardy perennial for well-drained soil and full sun. Tolerates poor soil. Suitable for hot/dry conditions. Rosette forming. Large silver-white flowers, up to 10cm diameter, from July to September. Good for attracting bees and butterflies. |
Cerastium (CARYOPHYLLACEAE) "Snow in Summer" |
Hardy, carpet-forming perennial for any well-drained soil in full sun. Useful for hot/dry conditions. Tolerate poor soils. White flowers, late spring and summer.
alpinum lanatum |
Hairy, silver fol. Carpet-forming. Some trailing habit. Ht 5cm. Spr30cm. NEW! |
tomentosum |
Ht 8cm. Spr 60cm. Good trailing habit. Silver/white foliage. |
Delosperma (AIZOACEAE) |
Succulent mat forming perennials for well-drained soil in full sun. Particularly suitable for hot/dry conditions. Flowers, freely produced for many weeks in summer
ashtonii |
Ht 5cm. Spr 25cm. Fully hardy. Magenta-pink flowers. |
cooperi |
Ht 8cm. Spr45cm. Half-hardy. Large, bright magenta flowers |
nubigenum |
Ht 3cm. Spr 30cm. Fully hardy. Yellow flowers. Reddish autumn foliage colour. |
Dendranthema weyrichii |
Hardy, mat-forming, herbaceous perennial. Fleshy dark-green leaves. 5cm diameter, pink "Daisies", August to October. Prefers a sunny position. NEW! |
Dodecatheon meadia |
Hardy, herbaceous perennial for moist soil in sun or partial shade. Reddish-purple, "Cyclamon"-like flowers, May to July. Ht 20-40cm. Spr 25cm. Clump-forming habit. |
Draba ussuriensis |
Hardy, rosette-forming perennial for well-drained soil and a sunny position. Ht 5cm. Spr 15cm. Neat habit, suitable for troughs. Creamy-white flowers, April to June. |
Erigeron (ASTERACEAE) "Fleabane" |
Easy to grow, hardy perennials useful for their long flowering period, May to September. "Daisy"-like flowers. Prefer well-drained soils in a sunny position.
aurantiacus |
Ht 20cm. Spr 30cm. Mat-forming. Brilliant-orange flowers. NEW! |
compositus "Rocky" |
Ht 15cm. Spr. 10cm. Cushion-forming. Grey-green fol. White flowers. NEW! |
fletti |
Ht 15cm. Spr 30cm. Large blue flowers. 1 litre pots £2.99 each. |
"Four Winds" |
Ht 25cm. Spr 45cm. Large, lilac flowers. 1 litre pots £2.99 each |
glaucus "Albus" |
Ht 20cm. Spr 45cm. Pure-white flowers. 1 litre pots £2.99 each. |
"Perhill" |
Ht 20cm. Spr 40cm. Neat habit. Pink flowers. 1 litre pots £2.99 each. |
Erinus alpinus |
Hardy perennial ideal for rockery, walls or paving. Grow in well-drained soil or in sun or partial shade. Ht 8cm. Spr 10cm. Suitable for troughs. Purple flowers, May to August. |
Eriogonum flavum |
Hardy, evergreen, carpet-forming perennial with dark green, tough foliage. Dense umbels of yellow flowers, june to August. Ht15cm. Spr 40cm. Best grown in poor to moderately fertile, well-drained soil in full sun. NEW! |
Geranium (GERANIACEAE) "Crane's Bill" |
Easy to grow, hardy perennials, suitable for most soils in either sun or shade. Long flowering period from early summer onwards.
x cantabriense |
Ht 25cm. Spr 60cm. Evergreen. Pink flowers. 1 litre pots £2.99 |
x cant. "Biokovo" |
As above but with white flowers. 1 litre pots. £2.99. |
dalmaticum |
Ht 15cm. Spr 40cm. Evergreen. Rich-pink flowers. |
sess.nov.-zeal. "Nigricans" |
Ht 8cm. Spr 15cm. Rosette-forming. Bronze foliage. White flowers. |
Geum triflorum |
Hardy perennial with dark-green, hairy foliage. Ht 25cm. Spr 30cm. Reddish-white flowers, June to August. Prefers a sunny position. NEW! |
Gunnera prorepens |
Hardy, mat-forming, herbaceous perennial with glossy, purple-green leaves. Ht 10cm. Spr 20cm. Spikes of green flowers in summer, followd by dark red fruits. Moist soil. Sun or shade. NEW! |
Hedera (ARALIACEAE) "Ivy" |
Hardy, evegreen, perennial climbers. The two listed are suitable for sun or shade and are small enough to use in sink and tough gardens.
helix "Donerailensis" |
Dark-green foliage. Climbing or trailing habit |
helix "Conglomerata" |
Dark-green foliage. More upright in habit |
Hydrocotyle moschata |
Hardy mat-forming perennial with olive-green, round leaves. Trailing habit. Ht 3cm. Spr 45cm. Insignificant flowers. Plant in moist soil in sun or partial shade. |
Inula ensifolia "Gold Star" |
Hardy, herbaceous, clump-forming perennial with yellow, "Daisy" - like flowers, July to October. Ht 30cm. Spr 30cm. Prefers a sunny position. |
Leucojum aestivum - "Summer Snowflake" |
Hardy, robust, bulbous perennial for moist soil in full sun. In spring, stems carry up to eight bell-shaped, faintly chocolate scented, white flowers. Ht 45-60cm. Spr 8cm NEW! |
Lilium formosanum pricei |
Ht and spr 10-30cm. Hardy, bulbous perennial with purplish-green, narrow leaves. Large, fragrant, purple-flushed, white trumpets, May to July. Prefers moist soil in sun |
Hardy, mat-forming, creeping perennials for moist soil in sun or partial shaded position Three-lobed, tubular flowers, May to July
reptans |
Ht 5cm. Spr 30cm. Trailing habit. Purple flowers |
reptans "Albus" |
As above but with white flowers. |
Myosotis scorpioides "Mermaid" |
Hardy, creeping perennial for moist soil or water margin in sun or partial shade. Ht 20-30cm. Spr 30cm. Blue "Forget Me Not" flowers May to August. |
Origanum vulgare "Compactum" |
Hardy, bushy, woody based perennial with strongly aromatic foliage. Ht 15cm. Spr 30cm. Grow in poor to moderately fertile, well-drained soil in sun or partial shade. Abundant, deep-pink flowers from mid-summer to early autumn. Good bee and butterfly plant. |
Papaver(PAPAVERACEAE) "Poppy" |
The species listed are hardy perennials for well-drained soil in full sun. Long flowering period from June to September. Dead-heading prolongs flowering. Will often self-seed.
alpinum |
Ht 15-20cm. Spr 10cm. Grey-green foliage. Wide range of flower colours. |
atlanticum |
Ht 15-30cm. Spr 15cm. Mid-green foliage. Orange flowers. 1 litre pots £2.99. |
miyabeanum "Pacino" |
Ht and spr 10-15cm. Mound forming. Grey-green foliage. Yellow flowers. |
sendtneri |
Very similar to P. alpinum but with white flowers. NEW |
Persicaria vaccinifolia |
Hardy semi-evergreen, carpeting perennial for moist soils in sun or partial shade. Orange/red autumn foliage colour. Spikes of pink flowers, late summer and autumn. Ht 20cm. Spr 50cm. Useful for its trailing, ground covering habit and its late flowering |
Phyla nodiflora |
Hardy, creeping/trailing perennial for moist soil in sun or partial shade. Ht 4cm. Spr 20cm. Button-like, pink flowers, June to August. |
Ranunculus graminues |
Hardy, clump-forming, herbaceous perennial with linear, grey-green foliage. Ht 20-30cm. Spr 15cm. Not invasive. Cup-shaped, lemon yellow flowers, May to July. Prefers a moist soil in full sun. |
Rosa polyantha "Angel Rose" |
Hardy, dwarf, bushy rose growing to only 30cm. Bronze-green foliage. Pink, white or rose, single or double, scented flowers are produced for many weeks from early summer onwards. Plant in a sunny position. Trim plants in autumn to maintain bushy habit. NEW! |
Salix hastata "Wehrhahnii" |
Hardy, deciduous, slow growing, dwarf "Willow" for moist soil in a sunny position. Attractive, red bark. Yellow autumn foliage colour. Large, silver catkins in spring. Ht and spr up to 1m. Get the details
Satureja (LAMIACEAE) "Savoury" |
Hardy perennial subshrubs with strongly aromatic foliage. Grow in well-drained soil In full sun. Will tolerate, hot/dry cnditions. Whorls of two-lipped, tubular flowers are produced from August to October. Particularly useful for their late flowering.
montana |
Ht 25cm. Spr 30cm. Dark-green foliage. Lilac flowers |
montana illyrica |
Ht 15cm. Spr 20cm. Dark green, narrow leaves. Bright violet flowers. NEW! |
parnassica |
Ht 15cm. Spr 25cm. Dark-green foliage. White flowers. Compact habit. |
Scabiosa (DIPSACACEAE) |
Hardy clump-forming perennials for moderately fertile, well-drained soil in full sun. Flowering time, June to August. Good for attracting butterflies. |
Semiaquilegia ecalcarata |
Hardy herbaceous perennial for moist but well-drained soil in sun or partial shade. Ht 20-30cm Spr 20cm. Nodding, pinky purple flowers, May to July. |
Spiraea japonica "Nana" |
Hardy, dwarf, deciduous shrub for moist but well-drained soil in full sun. Ht 45cm. Spr 60cm. Clusters of pink flowers, June to August. Orange, autumn colour. |
Tonestus lyallii |
Ht 25cm Spr 30cm. Hardy, evergreen, shrubby perennial for well-drained soil in full sun. Glossy-green foliage. Yellow, "Daisy"-like flowers for many weeks from midsummer. |
Trifolium repans "Quadrifolium" |
Hardy perennial, four leaved clover with purple foliage. Vigorous groundcover. Ht 10cm. Spr 60cm. White flowers in summer. Grow in sun or partshade. |
Waldsteinia ternata |
A vigourous, evergreen, groundcovering perennial with tough, dark-green leaves. Ht 10cm. Spr 60cm. Bright yellow "Potentilla" like flowers are produced in spring and early Summer. Grow in sun or partial shade. 1 litre pots £2.99 each. |